Piper's were rarely seen in my childhood: almost all aircraft in Hungary were manufactured by the COMECON countries (mostly by Czechoslovakia, Poland and the Sovietunion) back then. Only a few Piper and one Cessna "Skymaster" were used in general aviation. This has changed after the political turn: hundreds of used "western" aircrafts were brought into the country after 1990.
Piper PA-23
PA-25 "Pawnee"
Piper PA-28
Piper PA-32
"Warrior 6"
Piper PA-34
Piper PA-36
Piper PA-46
I like this plane very much, it's so elegant! Unfortunately I forgot to write down its registration marks...
HA-YCF in the new hangar at Budaörs (LHBS).
The same plane inside the same hangar :-)
An agriculture aircraft, mostly used here for towing ads.
HA-MJC at Dunakeszi.
cockpit of the plane
Piper PA-28 "Cherokee Warrior"
Piper PA-28-xxx a.k.a. "Cherokee Warrior II" at Farkashegy (LHFH). This plane is like a family limousine: contrary to the Cessna-172, it has enough room for my feet :-)
The same plane from a different angle.
The same plane taxiing for the runway at
cockpit of this plane
HA-APK at Budaörs. In the background you can see an old MiG-21F13 on display.
HA-APO, also at Budaörs.
HA-SKU at Nyíregyháza airport.
This six-seat Piper was photographed at an Esztergom (LHEM) air show.
The same plane at Farkashegy.
HA-YCH. What a gorgeous aicraft!
Another agrocultural Piper used for towing...
HA-APR at Budaörs.