Itt eredetileg az állt, hogy nem büszkélkedhetünk
nagy dokumentáció-anyaggal, de az alábbi listára
pillantva az érzésem, hogy ez már nem igazán
állja meg a helyét. Fõleg az IBM és a TPA dokumentációanyag
számíthat komolynak, mivel ezek teljes könyv-sorozatokat
is tartalmaznak. A doksik egy része egyes emberek személyes
tulajdona, másik része a Számítástechnikai
Gyûjtemény Alapítvány keretében hamarosan
létrejövõ csoportunk kezelésében van.
Talán le se kell írnom: amennyiben tudomásod van arról,
hogy valahol a MÉH karmaiba taszítanának gyári
és kevésbbé gyári manualokat, könyveket,
leírásokat, prospektusokat, azonnal
értesítsél bennünket! Másnak talán
értéktelen papír, mi örülnénk neki...
Hamster gyûjteménye:
- Könyvek, magyar nyelvû leírások:
Dr. Kocsis András: Programozás BASIC nyelven (IAS Basic-11
alapon), Számalk, 1983,
Dr. Lehel Csaba: Pascal programozási nyelv LSI-11 mikroszámítógépen,
Soós Attila: DOS-RV operációs rendszer (TPA1140),
Volán Tröszt Elektronika, 1981.
Soós Attila-Kiss Sándor: RSX-11M operációs
rendszer kézikönyv, Volán T.E., 1981
Soós Attila: RSX-11M segédprogramok, 1981.
TPA1140: Macro-11 nyelv hivatkozási kézikönyv
TPA1140: Perifériás könyv
TPA1140: Szoftver kézikönyv
TPA1140: Központi egység kézikönyv
TPA1140: Bevezetés a DOS-RV operációs rendszerbe
Felhasználói útmutató a TPA11/110 (TPA-Janus)
mikrószámítógéphez, KFKI, 1986.
TPA 11/520-540-580 Programming Card
TPA 11/520 leírás
TPA 11/540 Diagnosztikai zsebkönyv
TPA 11/540 Diagnosztikai rendszere
TPA 11/580 Hardver kézikönyv
TPA 11/580 Hardware Handbook
TPA 11/580 Computer
TPA 11/170 Mûszaki dokumentáció
Felhasználói útmutató a TPA11-110 mikrószámítógéphez,
KFKI, 1986.
Erdélyi György: A TPA1140 adatátviteli lehetõségei
Franz Fischbach-Winfried Ott-Jürgen Neise: A számítóközpont,
Statisztikai Kiadó, 1977.
IBM 3031 Felhasználói Ismertetõ 3. , SZTAKI
ESZR R-55 Tájékoztató
Bölcsföldi József: Az OS Job Control nyelve, Egyetemi
Kiadó, 1975.
Xephon Consulting - DEC systems in an IBM enviroment
ES/9000 9221 Processors: Introducing the Systems, 1994.
- TPA-11/580 mûszaki leírás:
Central Processor Typ: NR-5158A
Unibus Adapter Typ: NR-5858
Floating Point Accelerator Typ: NR-5158F
MS580H MOS Memory Typ: NR-56580
MS780C MOS Memory Typ: NR-5658
- VAX/VMS 4.0 kézikönyvek:
Introduction to the VAX/VMS Document Set
Master Index
Release Notes 4.0, 4.1
Access Control List Editor R.M.
Accounting Utility R.M.
Analyse/RMS-File Utility R.M.
Authorize Utility R.M.
Backup R.M.
Bad Block Locator Utility R.M.
Command Definition Utility R.M.
Convert and Convert/Reclaim Utility R.M.
Test Sender/DECnet test Receiver Utility R.M.
Data/X Delta Utility R.M.
Disk Quota Utility R.M.
I/O Users R.M. part 1-2
Librarian R.M.
Linker R.M.
Mount Utility R.M.
Network Control Program R.M.
Patch Utility R.M.
Record Management System R.M.
Show Cluster Utility R.M.
System Services R.M. part 1-2
Symbolic Debugger R.M.
System Dump Analyser R.M.
System Generation Utility R.M.
Verify Utility R.M.
System Messages and Recovery Procedures R.M.
Utility Routines R.M.
Error Logging Utility R.M.
Exchange Utility R.M.
File Definition Language Facility R.M.
Install Utility R.M.
LAT Controll Program R.M.
DCL Dictionary part 1-2
DCL Commands and Lexical Functions
Guide to writing a device driver for VAX/VMS part 1-2
Guide to VAX/VMS System Management and Daily Operations
Guide to VAX/VMS Performance Management
Guide to VAX/VMS File Applications
Guide to VAX/VMS System Security
Guide to VAX/VMS Software Installation
Guide to VAX Clusters
Guide to Networking on VAX/VMS
Guide to Programming on VAX/VMS (Fortran edition) volume 2
Guide to VAX/VMS Disk and Magnetic Tape Operations
Guide to Text Processing on VAX/VMS
VAX-11 Guide to Creating Modular Library Procedures
VAX-11 Run-Time Library Language Supprt R.M. vol. 1-2
VAX Macro and Instruction Set R.M.
Run-Time Library Routines R.M. 1-2
Digital Standard Runoff R.M.
Introduction to VAX/VMS System Routines
- Manuálok, kézikönyvek:
EC5002.03 Ersatzteile
KDJ-11A CPU Module User's Guide
QMA DPV00 Synchronous Serial Interface User's Guide, EK-DPVQM-UG-001
TSU NR5511 Magnetic Tape Coupler Technical Manual
Kennedy Model 9600
Kennedy Model 9600A Installation
Kennedy Model 9600A
Kennedy Model 9300
Delua User's Guide, EK-DELUA-UG-001
Delqa User's Guide, EK-DELQA-UG-001
CS21/FA, /FB, /FC, /FD Communication Multiplexer Technical Manual
SC41 SMD Disk Controller Technical Manual
NR5701 Sornyomtató illesztõ gépkönyv
CDC Storage Module Drive (BK6xx, BK7xx)
QD33 Disk Controller Technical Manual
M2343K/M2344K Micro-Disk Drivers OEM Manual
NR220-18 tápegység kézikönyv
NR5884 Synchrounous Line Interface User's Guide
NR5406 A-D (DV11 Compatible) Communication Multiplexer Technical Manual
DELQA Users Guide, EK-DELQA-UG-001, 1987.
DELQA Users Guide, EK-DELQA-UG-002, 1988.
DEUNA User`s Guide, EK-DEUNA-UG-001, 1983.
UDA50 User Guide, EK-UDA50-UG-002, 1982.; EK-UDA50-UG-003, 1984.
QMA DZ11 User's Manual, EK-DZQMA-UG-001
DUP11 Maintenance Manual, EK-DUP11-MM-003
VT240 Series Programmer Pocket Guide, EK-VT240-HR-002, 1984.
VT240 Series Instalation Guide, EK-VT240-IN-002, 1984.
VT240 Series Owner's Manual, EK-VT240-UG-003, 1984.
VT132 User Guide, EK-VT132-UG-002, 2nd, 1978,
Digital PDP11 Bus Handbook, 1979.
Digital PDP11 Software Handbook, 1980.
DZ11 User's Guide, EK-DZ110-UG-002, 1979.
BA11-K Mounting Box User's Manual, EK-BA11K-OP-001, 1976.
KC750 Microdiagnostics and technical manual, EK-KC750-TM-002, 1981.
VAX 11-750 Diagnostics Mini Reference Card, EK-KC750-RM-002, 1981.
VAX 11-750 Installation Guide, EK-SI75F-IN-PRE, 1983.
VAX 11-750 Installation and Acceptance Manual, EK-SI750-IN-003, 1381.
MicroVAX II 630QB Owner's Manual, AL-FE081-TN, 1985.
MicroVAX 3800 Customer Hardware Information (teljes dosszié)
RM80 Disk Drive User's Guide, EK-0RM80-UG-003, 1980.
RA81 Disk Drive User Guide, EK-0RA81-UG-001, 1982.
TK70 Tape Driver Owner's Manual
TU58 Dectape II. User Guide, EK-0TU58-UG-002, 1981.
TU80 Subsystem User Guide, EK-0TU80-UG-002, 1983.
VAX Architecture Reference Manual, 1987, fénymásolat
VMS Upgrade & Installation Supplement, AA-LB85D-TE, 1991.
MicroVMS Installing or Upgrading/Release Notes 4.4
VMS Version 5.5 Release Notes, 1991., fénymásolat
VMS Version 5.5 New Features Manual, 1991., fénymásolat
VMS Version 5.2 User's Manual, 1989., fénymásolat
VAXstation2000 Owner's Manual/Hardware Installation Guide, fénymásolat
Emulex Controller Handbook, March 1982.
Emulex QD01/D Disk Controller Technical Manual, Rev C, 1985.
Emulex DM01 Disk Controller Technical Manual, Rev A, 1986.
Emulex DM02 Disk Controller Technical Manual, Rev B, 1987.
Emulex SC03/MS SMD Disk Controller Technical Manual, Rev B, 1985.
Emulex CS08/E1 Communications Subsystem Technical Manual, Rev B, 1987,
Emulex TC02/FS (TS11 compatible) Tape Coupler Technical Manual, 1985. fénymásolat
Emulex TC03 Tape Coupler Technical Manual, Rev A, 1985.
Dilog DQ132 Tape Coupler Instruction Manual, 1988., fénymásolat
Kennedy Model 9600A, 1986.
IBM 4381 Processor Operations Manual, 4th, 1986.
IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage Models D and E, Maintenance Information,
1985. (az dokumentációjából)
- Színes papírok, prospektusok:
Digital Edu: Fall `84 (No. 36), Winter `85 (No. 37.), Spring `85 (No.
38.), Winter `86 (No. 40.)
Digital Design: September `80 (Vol 10/9.), January `81 (Vol 11/1.)
DIGITAL Microcomputer Products `82
Cambridge Digital
Videoton VT1010 (R10) reklámcédula
- Programming / Reference Card:
pdp-11 Programming Card, 1975.
TPA11-520/540/580 programming card
ESZR - Az R20-as számítógép utasításainak
áttekintõ táblázata, 1975.
ESZR-OS Assembler Összefoglaló
ESZR-OS Segédlet Job Control Összefoglaló
ESER Machinenkode
RT11 Pocket Guide, 1978.
VAX 11 Programming Card, 1983.
EDT Reference Card, 1980.
EDT Quick Reference Guide
DSR Quick Reference Guide
GUTS Summary of Commands, Procedures and Definitions v3.3, 1981.
EARN Pocket Guide, 4th, 1991.
EARN Starting Out with Listserv, 1993.
EARN Listserv Quick Reference, 1993.
Booled&Babbage Diskplay manual
IBM System/370 Reference Summary 2nd Edition, 1972.
IBM System/370 Reference Summary 3rd Edition, 1976.
IBM System/370 Reference Summary 4th Edition, 1976.
IBM System/370 Reference Summary 8th Edition, 1989.
IBM OS/VS2 TSO Command Language Reference Summary, 5th, 1978.
IBM S/360 2314 Direct Access Storage Facility Reference Summary
IBM 3742 Dual Data Station Operator's Guide, 5th, 1977.
IBM VM/SP CMS Release 6 Primer, 5th, 1988.
IBM VM/SP CMS Release 6 Summary of Commands, 3rd, 1988.
IBM Fortran IV Reference Card
IBM APL Reference Data
IBM OS/360 TSO Command Language Reference Summary, 2nd, 1972.
IBM DOS Job Control and Operator Communication Reference Summary (Számok)
IBM OS/360 Service Aids Reference Summary, 4th, 1977,
IBM DL/I DOS/VS System Programming Reference Summary, 3rd, 1979.
IBM OS/360 Job Control Language: Syntax reference Summary, 7th, 1972.
IBM 3704 and 3705 Program Reference Handbook, 5th, 1976.
IBM SNA General Information and Maintenance, 0st, 1978.
IBM OS/VS1 Release 6.7 System Data Areas, 7th, 1979.
BM VM/SP Quick Guide for Users, 1nd, 1980.
IBM VM/SP Quick Guide for Users, 2nd, 1982.
IBM VM/Directory Maintenance Licensed Program Reference Summary, 1st, 1989.
IBM OS/360 Reference Card: PL/I (F) Compiler Keywords
IBM S/360 Reference Data
IBM S/360 DOS/TOS Reference Card PL/I
IBM Guide to ANSI Cobol Program Product, 1973.
IBM S/360 Reference Data OS/360 Assembler Language, Data Management, Macro
IBM VM/SP CMS Primer - Summary of Commands, 2nd, 1986.
IBM DL/I DOS/VS Application Programming Reference Summary, 3rd, 1979.
IBM Operator's Introduction to the IBM 3767 Communication Terminal, 3rd,
IBM 3270 Information Display System Library - User's Guide, 7th, 1985.
IBM DOS Job Control and Operator Communication Reference Summary, 3rd,
IBM 3773, 3774 and 3775 Programmable Communication Terminals Programmer's
Handbook, 2nd, 1979.
IBM 3704 and 3705 Emulation Program Reference Summary, 7th, 1981.
IBM 3774 and 3774 Communication Terminals reference Summary, 6th, 1979.
IBM 3704 Operator Reference Summary, 3rd, 1976.
IBM VM/370 Commands - General User, 4th Edition, 1976.
IBM VM/SP Commands (General User) Reference Summary, 5th, 1986.
IBM Virtual Machine Facility /370: Quick Guide for Users, 6th Edition,
IBM Virtual Machine/System Product Quick Guide for Users, 5th Edition,
IBM Cobol Reference Card
IBM VS Cobol for OS/VS Reference summary (Format, status key
values and reserved words), 1st Edition, 1981.
IBM System Modification Program Extended Reference Summary release 6, 8th
Edition, 1991.
Raas gyûjteménye
- Vegyes VAX-doksik
VAX 8500/8550 System Hardware User's Guide, EK-8500H-UG-001, 1986.
VAX 8500/8550 System Installation Guide
VAX 8800/8700/8550/8500 Console User's Guide, AA-FH28C-TE, 1986.
VAX Hardware Handbook, 1980. (két kötet, fénymásolva)
Ricsi és
Hamster IBM nagygépes gyûjteménye
Ez egy eléggé ömlesztett lista. Könnyen meglehet,
hogy vannak benne ismétlõdések, vagy valamelyik darabnál
a kiadás vagy az évszám nem stimmel. Ennyi könyvet
felirogatni is nehéz (pedig becipelni se volt ám semmi :-).
Talán majd egyszer bevisszük adatbázisba, összerendezzük
(nem vagyok hajlandó kézzel ABC-sorrendbe rakni õket...).
Jelenleg kétséges a gyûjtemény elhelyezése,
mi szeretnénk a már említett csoport kezelésében
tudni, hogy méltó helyre kerülhessen.
- Vegyes:
BMOP User's Digest 1979. (fénymásolat)
Simula Users Guide System/360
Simula Programmer's Guide for IBM System/360
PASCAL/VS Language Reference Manual
Mini-Micro CDS/ISIS Reference Manual (V.2.3), UNESCO, 1989.
CDS/ISIS Terminal Operation Manual, 1987.
FTAM 1-2-3-4, ANSI, 1986.
Medical Information System (MISP)
GUTS 3270 Terminal Users Guide, Számalk, 1982.
GUTS Script Introduction, Altergo, 1977.
GUTS Script Reference Manual, Altergo, 1977.
GUTS Reference Manual, Számalk, 1982.
- IBM dokumentációk:
IBM OS/VS Sort/Merge Reference Summary, 1st, 1974.
IBM VS Basic (CMS) Reference Summary, 2nd, 1976.
IBM OS PL/I Checkout and Optimizing Compilers: Keyword reference
summary, 3rd, 1976.
IBM OS PL/I Checkout and Optimizing Compilers: Terminal Commands and Compiler
Options reference summary, 2nd, 1976.
IBM Script/370 version 3 Quick Guide for Users (fénymásolat)
IBM 3278 Display Station, Problem Determination Guide, 6th, 1980.
IBM VM Facility/370 Quick Guide for Users I./II. kötet, 7th, 1979.
IBM System/370 Model 125 Facts Folder, 3rd, 1973.
IBM System/370 Model 135 Facts Folder, 6th, 1972.
IBM /360 System Reference Library, 9th, 1967.
IBM /360 System Reference Library, 11th, 1969.
IBM /360 System Reference Library, 13th, 1974.
IBM OS Loader Program Logic Manual, 3rd, 1972.
IBM OS Linkage Editor (F), 3rd, 1972.
IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography, 22th, 1974.
IBM OS/360 Inventory Control Application Description, 6th, 1971.
IBM VM/370 (CMS) Terminal User's Guide for Fortran IV. Program Products,
1st, 1973.
IBM DOS release 26 Systems Reference Library: Catalog of Programs for IBM/260
models 25 and above, 9th, 1970.
IBM Program Product Data Language/1 DOS/VS általános leírás
IBM System/370 (OS/VS) Storage and Information Retrieval System/VS General
Information, 3rd, 1977.
IBM VS/MVT, OS/VS2 TSO Terminals, 2nd, 1972.
IBM Large Systems Technical Support: An overview of VM security features
IBM System/360 OS: Utilities Program Logic Manual, 9th, 1971.
IBM OS SAM Logic release 12, 6th, 1972.
IBM ISAM Logic release 21.7, 7th, 1974.
IBM System/360 OS, 6th, 1970.
IBM System/360 OS, 7th, 1971.
IBM System/370 Planning for release 3, 1st, 1975.
IBM System/360 Basic Programming Support
IBM Assembler with I/O Macros (Tape) Specifications, major revision,
IBM VM Facility/370 Introduction Technical Newsletter, 1976.
IBM VM Facility/370 Introduction release 2., 5th, 1975.
IBM VM Facility/370 Introduction release 3., 6th, 1975,
IBM VM Facility/370 Introduction release 3., 7th, 1976.
IBM System/360 OS Catalog Management Program Logic Manual, 4th, 1971.
IBM System/360 OS Graphic Subroutine Package for Fortran IV, Cobol, PL/I,
3rd., 1977.
IBM OS Sort/Merge Logic, 6th, 1975.
IBM Pascal/VS Language Reference Manual
IBM VS Cobol for OS/VS, 2nd, 1978.
IBM VM Facility/370 CP Command Reference for General Users, 4th, 1979.
IBM OS/VS - DOS/VS - VM/370 Assembler Language, 5th, 1975.
IBM System/360 OS Fortran IV. (E) Program Logic Manual, 4th, 1972.
IBM System/360 OS Fortran IV. (G) Compiler
IBM System/360 OS Fortran IV. (H) Compiler, 6th, 1972.
IBM System/360 DOS Disk Sort/Merge Program, 6th, 1971.
IBM OS/VS Sort/Merge General Information, 4th, 1975.
IBM System/360 OS Utilities Program Logic Manual APL Language, 5th, 1978.
IBM OS/VS1 Utilities, 2nd, 1983.
IBM System/360 System/370 Fortran IV. Language, 11th, 1974,
IBM Introduction to Project Management System IV., 3rd, 1974.
IBM Installation Management HIPO - A Design Aid and Documentation Technique,
2nd, 1975.
IBM System/360 Scientific Subroutine Package Version III. Application Description,
6th, 1968.
IBM Introduction to Mathematical Programming System MPSX, MIP, GUB, 4th,
IBM System/370 APT-AC Numerical Control Processor General Information Manual,
1st, 1973.
IBM System/360, System/370 OS Storage and Information Retrieval System,
3rd, 1973.
IBM Procedure Library Mathematics, 2nd, 1971.
IBM System/360, System/370 Statical Analysis of Files, 2nd, 1973.
IBM VS APL for CMS Terminal User's Guide, 3rd, 1978.
IBM System/360 OS Sequential Access Methods, 5th, 1971.
IBM General Purpose Simulation System V. Introductory, 2nd, 1971.
IBM System/370 Project Analysis and Control System, 2nd, 1975.
IBM System/360 Order Allocation System, 2nd, 1969.
IBM Mathematical Programming System/360 V.2 Control Language, 4th,
IBM Data Language/I DOS/VS General Information, 3rd, 1972.
IBM Data Language/I DOS/VS Általános Leírás
IBM System/360 Data Base Organisation and Maintenance Processor, 2nd, 1972.
IBM Data Language/I. - Entry DOS/VS, 1st, 1974.
IBM VM/SP CMS Command and Macro reference release 3., 3rd, 1983.
IBM OS/VS1 Checkpoint/Restart, 1st, 1976.
IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers Pronciples of Operation, 4th,
IBM OS/VS1 Utilities, 1st, 1977.
IBM OS/VS1 Message Library Service AIWDS and OLTEP messages, 1st, 1976.
IBM OS/VS1 SYS 1. Logrec Error Recording, 4th, 1977.
IBM VM/SP Exec2 Refrence, 2nds, 1982.
IBM 3704 and 3705 Communication Controller Assembler Language, 3rd, 1975.
IBM System/370 Principles of Operation, 5th, 1976,
IBM VM Facility/370 CMS Command and Macro Reference, 3rd, 1979.
IBM OS/VS1 JCL Services, 5th, 1979.
IBM OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Programmers Guide, 4th,
IBM VM/SP Editor Command and Macro Reference, 3rd, 1979.
IBM OS/VS1 Operations, 1973.
IBM Operator's Library OS/VS1 Reference, 9th, 1979.
IBM VM Facility/370 Introduction, 9th, 1977.
IBM 3270 Information Display System, 3274 Control Unit: Planning, setup
and customizing guide, 14th, 1984.
IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage: General Information, Device Support Facilities
User's Guide and Reference release 8.0, 9th, 1985.
IBM Development Guide (Relational Applications), 1st, 1984.
IBM Development Guide (Relational Applications), 2nd, 1986.
IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage: Models AD4, BD4, AE4 and BE4 General Information,
2nd, 1985.
IBM IMS/VS and OS/VS VSAM Buffer Options Technical Bulletin, 1979.
IBM Introduction to VTAM, 3rd, 1974.
IBM OS/VS and DOS/VS analysis Program-1 User's Guide, 2nd, 1977.
IBM OS/VS Message Library: VS1 Utilities Messages release 6., 1st, 1978.
IBM OS/VS Message Library: VS1 Utilities Messages release 7., 2nd, 1983.
IBM 3767 models 1,2 and 3 Communication Terminal Component Description,
4th, 1977.
IBM System Network Architecture General Information, 1st, 1975.
IBM VS APL for CMS: Terminal User's Guide, 3rd, 1978.
IBM OS PL/I Optimizing Compiler: CMS User's Guide, 3rd, 1975.
IBM PASCAL 8000 Reference Manual 1.2 (for OS/360, OS/VS, VM/370-CMS), 6th,
IBM VM Facility/370 System Programmer's Guide, 1973.
IBM Introduction to Data Base Concepts, 7th, 1976.
IBM VM Facility/370 Plannig and System Generation Guide, 1st, 1969.
IBM System/360 Conversion Aids: Algol-to PL/I, 2nd, 1973.
IBM System/360 OS Cobol (F) Program Logic Manual, 3rd, 1968.
IBM System/360 OS Cobol (E) Programmer's Guide, 3rd, 1967.
IBM OS Assembler Language (OS release 21), 4th-5th, 1972-73.
IBM OS Full-ANSI Cobol, 3rd, 1973.
IBM OS Full-ANSI Cobol, 5th, 1973.
IBM OS Full-ANSI Cobol Compiler and Library V.4 Programmer's Guide,
3rd, 1973.
IBM OS Full-ANSI Cobol Complier and Library V.3 General Information,
3rd, 1972.
IBM OS Cobol Interactive Debug Terminal User's Guide and Referencem
3rd, 1975.
IBM System/360 Cobol (E) Program Logic Manual, 9th, 1970.
IBM System/360 Principles of Operation: OS/VS2 HASP II. V.4 Systems Programmer's
Guide, 1st, 1973.
IBM VM Facility/370: OLTSTEP and Error Recording Guide, 5th, 1976.
IBM OS/360 OS Programmer's Guide to Debugging
IBM OS/360 OS Supervisor and Data Management Services, 4th, 1970.
IBM OS/360 OS Service Aids, 3rd, 1972.
IBM Facility/370 CP Command Reference for General Users, 1st, 1976.
IBM System/360 OS Online Test Executive Program Logic Manual, 6th, 1975.
IBM OS/VS Sort/Merge General Information, 4th, 1975.
IBM Concepts and Facilities
IBM System/360 OS PL/I Subroutine Library, 7th, 1972.
IBM System/360 OS Sort/Merge, 7th, 1970.
IBM OS/VS1 Utilities release 7., 2nd, 1983.
IBM OS/VS1 Utilities release 6., 1st, 1977.
IBM Problem Language Analyser (PLAN) User Introduction, 1st, 1969.
IBM System/370 Program Products Language and Sort Processors OS, DOS, VM/370-CMS,
2nd, 1973.
IBM System/360 and System/370 Capacity Planning and Operation, Sequencing
System, General Information, 2nd, 1973.
IBM Mathematical Programming System, Extended/370 (MPSX/370) General Information
Manual, 2nd, 1973.
IBM System/360 and System/37, IBM 1130 and 1800 Subroutine Library-Mathematics,
1st, 1971.
IBM VS Personal Computing (VSPC) FOR OS/VS and DOS/VS General Information,
2nd, 1976.
IBM System/360 OS, Testran Program Logic Manual, 2nd, 1972.
IBM Customer Information, CICS/VS General Information Manual, 5th, 1975.
IBM Linear Programming System/1130 (LPS/1130) Application Description Manual,
2nd, 1969.
IBM General Purpose Simulation System V-OS Operation Manual, 4th, 1973.
IBM Keyword Index & Program Information, System/370, 1977.
IBM VS/SP System Messages and Codes release 2., 2nd, 1982.
IBM Introduction to the IBM 3704 and 3705-II Communications Controllers,
6th, 1980.
IBM OS PL/I Optimizing Compiler CMS User's Guide, 4th, 1976.
IBM OS/VS BTAM, 5th, 1982.
IBM OS/VS Linkage Editor and Loader, 6th, 1976.
IBM OS/VS1 Data Management Services Guide, 1st, 1976.
IBM OS/VS1 Access Method Services, 4th, 1978.
IBM VS/SP CP Command Reference, 3rd, 1983.
IBM VM Facility/370: Operator's Guide, 10th, 1979.
IBM OS/VS1 Supervisor Services and Macro Instruction, 3rd, 1976.
IBM Script/370 version 3 User's Guide, Installed User Program, 1st, 1976.
IBM Script/370-1130 Data Transmission for Fortran, 2nd, 1975.
IBM System Network Architecture, 3rd, 1985.
IBM OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) System Information, 2nd,
IBM OS/VS Message Library: VS1 Utilities Messages, 1st, 1978.
IBM A Introduction to the IBM3790 Communication System, 5th, 1976.
IBM VM Facility/370: CP Command Reference for General Users, 4th,
IBM VTAM Coding, 1973.
IBM VS Fortran Programming Guide, 3rd, 1986.
IBM OS Assembler (F) Programmer's Guide, 8th, 1972.
IBM System/360 OS Linkage Editor and Loader, 9th, 1969.
IBM Cobol Interactive Debug and (TSO) Cobol Prompter General Information,
3rd, 1973.
IBM VM/370 CMS User's Guide for Cobol, 3rd, 1976.
IBM System/360 OS Supervisor and Data Management Macro Instruction, 3rd,
IBM OS/VS2 HASPII version 4 Operator's Guide, 1st, 1973.
IBM OS Data Management Services Guide, 3rd, 1973.
- Ezen túl van még egy valószínûsíthetõen
teljes mainframe-rendszer hardware leírássorozatunk is (Field
Operation stuff). Aki nem tudná, hogy ez hogyan néz ki gyárilag:
egy két méter széles, 1m70 magas polc tele nagyalakú
kék dossziékkal. Ezt még nem fésültük
át, mivel ez nem kevés munka lenne, amire nem volt idõnk
és helyünk...
Vissza a nyitóoldalra
by Hamster,