RA-xx series hard disks. These are nice beasts, but try to lift them... Some of the pictures were made in a backyard, no, this is not "Disk cemetary" (the place where winchesters go to die)... ;-)
RA60 removable media hard disk
The same RA60 with RA81s on the top
RA82 racks
The control logic of the RA82
I've only got one picture of this one: the DEC Rainbow, a machine with an Intel i8086 and Z80 processor. This "micro" belongs to me, but unfortunately it has no PSU. I have another on too, but without any cables and monitor. A full 'Bow system is hard to find these days...
Terminals. VTs, to be exact. And only one for now.
VT240 (241, to be... but you shpuld know ;-)
This is my favorite peripheral that I cannot use: a Kennedy Model 9600 auto-load 9-track tape driver. It weights at least 60 kgs... The DEC TU81+ is another big reel tape drive.